St lazaro
St lazaro

st lazaro

Lazarus, whose family was a second home to Jesus,* Lazarus, humble patron of the sick and the poor,* Lazarus, Your beloved friend and patron of the sick and the poor, we entreat you to hear and grant our prayers. If by Your most gracious will, we Obtain the healing we beg from Your inexhaustible kindness, give us, we pray, a truly grateful heart that reaches out to You in humble service and to our brothers and sisters in loving generosity. Sanctify our affliction and unite it with Yours. If by suffering, we share in Your own passion and death for the salvation of the world, grant us, we pray, patient endurance and loving disposition as we carry our cross and follow Your example of meritorious sacrifice. Increase our faith, confirm our hope and deepen our love as You touch us with Your most powerful hands and heal us and those for whom we now pray…(in silence, mention the names of those you ask the Lord to heal). Behold us, humbly kneeling at Your feet, inspired by lively faith and strengthened by our sure hope in Your steadfast love. Open for us the floodgates of Your mercy and pour out upon us Your Healing grace.

st lazaro

You rose to life and opened for us the gates of heaven. You came into the world so that we might have life and life in its fullness.

st lazaro

LEADER: For having not loved ourselves as You love us, forgive us and raise us up to new life.ĪLL: Almighty Father, heal us in Christ, our Lord and our Saviour.ĪLL: Glory and praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, eternal Son of the Father and Redeemer of the human race. LEADER: For having not loved our neighbor as ourselves, forgive us and renew our relationship.ĪLL: Loving Father, redeem us in Christ, our Brother. Let us therefore, first of all, humbly bow our heads and acknowledge our sins so that the Lord may show us mercy and grant us His salvation.įor having not loved You, O God, with all our mind, with all our heart and with all our strength, forgive us and restore us to Your friendship.ĪLL: Merciful Father, forgive us in Christ, Your Son. He heals us from our broken relationships and raises us to new life. Jesus reconciles us with the Father and with one another. Our sins harm and eventually destroy our friendship with God and with one another. Lazarus and request for his prayerful intercession on our behalf and on behalf of the sick and the poor. Inspired by his deep friendship with Jesus, we recourse to the patronage of St. Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, we are vividly reminded of the love the Lord has for him. LEADER: My brothers and sisters, gathered before the image of St. Pawiin ang aming pagod, ang pasani’y pagaaninĪLL: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: Amen. Kalinga mo ang takbuhan noong unang-una pa Lazarus used in His Shrine in DOH Compound Santa Cruz, Manila) THURSDAY DEVOTION TO SAINT LAZARUS OF BETHANY

St lazaro